Reenavanna, Doon, Limerick, V94K7T8

Reenavanna, Doon, Limerick, V94K7T8
EPI: 492.85 kWh/m2/yr
Quality Roadside Residential Holding Containing c. 75 St Acres
Excellent quality grassland farm well situated a short distance from the village of Doon within
easy commuting distance of Limerick City. Property comprises c 75 acres of generally good quality lands with a most attractive three bedroomed residence and farmyard.
- The lands are elevated all in grass in good heart well sheltered and fenced with a small area of glen at the Northern end of the farm. The residence is well appointed standing on its own private grounds and is in good structural and decorative repair comprising briefly ; Porch , Sitiingroom, Livingroom, Kitchen, 4 No Bedrooms, 2 No. Bathroom & Store; The residence enjoys panoramic views of the surrounding hinterland. The farmyard has a range of buildings on concreted yards comprising; 3 bay lean to slatted shed; 2 bay lean to slatted shed, 2 Colum Barn, Cow Byre,, Calf house, dung stead and 2 no stone outoffices
- Services; Mains Water; Septic Tank; OFCH; SF Stove, Alarm ;ESB
- Full particulars and maps on request
- Private offers accepted up to 3 pm Wednesday 19th May 2021
Porch Entrance; 11 X 8
Sittingroom; 16’4 X 11’3 Feature fireplace
Livingroom ; 13’6 x 15 SF Stove
Diningroom; 14 x 9
Kitchen, 8’11 x 7 Fitted wall and base units
Bathroom; 8’11 x 5 w.c, whb, shower
Bedroom 1; 11’2 x 11’6
Bedroom 2 ; 12’2 x 11’4 Master bedroom, Built in wardrobe,
Bedroom 3; 9’7 x 6’10
Bedroom 4; 9’7 x 7
Bathroom; 8’6 x 4’6 wc, whb, bath,